Pre-Reading and Pre-Writing Skills
• Identification of upper and lower case letters (A to Z)
• Letter sounds/phonics (A to Z), rhyming
• Formation of letters and numbers
• Identification of color words, number words, easy reader phonic words, and sight words
• Counting Numbers (1 – 100), Identifying Numbers (1 – 30)
• Shapes, sorting, patterns, grouping, addition/subtraction, more and less than, sequencing
• Exploration of neighborhood, communities, cultures, animal habitats
• Experiments, cause and effect, predictions
Creative Arts
• Fine motor skills, scissor skills, hand dexterity,
• Use of color, various mediums, drawing basic shapes, listening skills and following directions,
• Encouraged use of creativity
Social Skills
• Following directions, listening, sharing, taking turns, following routines and schedules, modeling correct classroom behavior
Gross Motor Skills
• Physical education games, movement activities, outdoor activities, group games, stretching/strength building, and having fun while exercising
I'm Raising My Hand!
1. What is a theme-based program?
A theme-based program bases a preschool curriculum around daily themes (i.e., ocean animals, community helpers, etc.) that teach the main theme, but also pre-reading/writing/math/science/physical education/etc. Thematic units provides an integrated approach to teaching and learning. Such an integrated approach is supported by research on how the brain works and how human beings learn. Ultimately, the use of thematic units helps young children achieve higher levels of learning.
2. How do I receive my program?
Your program will be immediately available via an instant download link. After you open the link, SAVE the file to your computer and print at your own convenience.
3. Are the craft materials included?
No, the craft materials are not included. All suggested activities use low or no costs materials easily found in your own home, a dollar store, or a discount retailer (Target, Walmart, etc.)
4. What ages can use the program?
The program is designed for children ages 3-5. Children in a multi-age classroom can use the curriculum.
5. Do you have a toddler program?
Not at this time.
6. How many themes are included?
There are over 80 themes that can be completed in 1-2 days depending upon your schedule.
7. Do you have a summer program available?
Coming soon!